
A document can have one or several linked files. All linked files to a document are displayed under the Files Tab
The Files Tab has a number of attributes which describes the file object. The most important attributes on the file object are:
Additional File -  Additional files are revision specific additional files which are automatically created during the approval process, for example .pdf, .step
Mandatory - The mandatory flag is set by YaPlm on additional files that are created by the system during the approval process
Redline - Describes if the file is a red-lined file
Revision Sequence - Display the files Revision Sequence, this attribute is used when working with File Revisions
Revision Specific - The file is only linked to this revision of the document. When a new revision is created for the document the file is not copied to the new revision


The filename is automatically generated from YaPlm and the default filename syntax is setup according to:
 The filename is unique and every version of a file has its own filename