
Links can be created between objects in YaPlm. For example, items can have several links to other Items, Documents, Projects, Folders etc.
There are several types of links in the system, one of the most common links is the 'Part of' link which displays what the selected object is part of. Most links for an object are displayed in the Object Tab area.

To create a new link with 'Drag and Drop':

- Ctrl + mark an object and drag before releasing it on another object
- A link has now been created between the two objects. The linked object is displayed under one of the object tabs, e.g. 'Part of' tab

To move a link with Drag and Drop:

- Mark an object, drag and drop it on another object
- The selected object has now been linked to the other object

To delete a link between objects:

- Mark an object and select  Delete -> Link from the right click menu